There’s no dearth of news or information on COVID-19, but the fact is, we can never have enough facts. This is especially crucial now that lockdowns have lifted and we’re all facing the prospect of going out into a world that’s not quite virus-free, sans vaccine and medication to boot. Indeed, being sufficiently informed is more necessary than ever as we continue to fight this unseen enemy. Skyline Insurance lists what you need to know.

Your health remains your best defense.

COVID-19 is known to be more threatening to those with comorbidities that make them extra vulnerable to infection

  • Underlying illness is still the biggest risk factor for severe COVID-19 cases and fatalities.
  • Exercise has been found to reduce the risk of the deadliest COVID-19 complications.
  • Taking measures to eat healthy, like getting fresh groceries delivered, is also crucial.
  • As a bonus, your healthy practices keep you mentally healthy.

A clean home is a COVID-19-free one.

Keeping your home clean and COVID-19-free remains one of the best courses of action.

  • Fighting the coronavirus requires the regular disinfection of surfaces.
  • It’s definitely a must to devote time to cleaning your home
  • Don’t forget furniture or upholstery and make sure these are deep-cleaned by the pros. Check out Angi for a list of cleaning contractors near you.
  • Make sure to use safe cleaning products to protect your family.

Remaining vigilant.

Restrictions are being lifted all over the world, yet the threat of COVID-19 remains at large.

Indeed, whether or not we’re about to see the end of the pandemic remains to be seen. But there’s no doubt that life needs to go on, so we have to adapt accordingly, as well, and, by extension, protect ourselves, our homes, and our families the best way we possibly can. We already know how, so there’s no really no reason why we can’t.

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Utah’s Premier Health Insurance Agency